вівторок, 24 листопада 2015 р.

Tragic Revolution Behind the Scenes

      One may describe the setting of the story as a suburban district somewhere in the USA of the 1950-60-s and put a dot. But if you go deeper into that period of time, you realize that there's much more behind the scenes.
     In 1960-s sexual revolution broke out in the US and lead to an unpredictable effect. In those days first feministic protests appeared, as women started to fight for their right to equality with men. For the first time in history they were disposed to demonstrating their sexuality. Because of feeling undervalued, women of the time wanted to be free to do whatever they wanted without being insulted while living in the men's world. Connie was one of those youg girls, who were eager to claim their attractiveness and yet were a little afraid of it, feeling some invisible danger. They became cheeky, indiscreet, gamesome flirts, and it sometimes awoken evil and cruel sides of men's nature.
     This revolution was a brave step, a loud voice, which had its good and bad consequences. It made women more desired and as a result more vulnerable and unprotected. That "independence" lead to struggling, and even after all these years women still have to defend themselves from uncontrolled power of men. The story leaves us with strong hope, that someday we all be equally powerful, without bearing wickedness in our hearts.

2 коментарі:

  1. Hello, Sascha)
    Like your information about the setting of the story a lot and especially about your own view upon the feministic revolution and that effects to what it led and how it reflects in nowadays society.
    I'm looking forward for your new posts and wish you good luck))

  2. Hello Sasha
    I like your publication. People thrive for changes in their life so much that very rarely they think of the consequences. Unfortunatelly for Connie she became a victim not only to a particular criminal but to the epoch she lived in.
    Thanks a lot. I'm looking forward to your new posts)
